At some point a few weeks ago I noticed, or at least I thought, my handlebars had become ever so slightly askew. Perhaps it was from the one fall I took, the rough roads or maybe I was just staring at them too long but they certainly looked “off”. And when I mean off I’m talking millimeters, but my OCD needs things to be perfect so I just had to make things right.  I must have adjusted the bar 3 or 4 times using the old method of just standing over the bike and eyeballing it. No matter how perfect I thought I aligned my handlebars with my wheel in my living room once I got out on the road it was no better than it was before. Oh well, I was just willing to live with it and chalk it up to my eyes playing tricks on me, that is until Art’s Cyclery posted the below video. What a genius way to line up the bars – not with the wheel but with the forks. I had a plastic level that I was able to insert into the dropouts and then used some electrical tape to hold it in place. After that it was very easy to dial in the bars. So now if I notice any weirdness it is probably my wheel needing to be re-dished. At least that I can definitely blame the roads on.