
Back when I was a teen in the ’80s I remember coveting the Specialized product brochures that used to come in the mail. Oh how I wanted one of those bikes.

Those were some lasting impressions and I now finally own one of those bikes I used to drool over as a teen. I had a great experience with my local independent bike shop but what I didn’t know at the time is how personal “corporate” gets with their customers.

After my purchase I filled out my registration online and answered the canned questions on my purchase and intended use. It’s pretty standard fare for any type of product registration, you fill it out and never hear from the company again.

Well needless to say I was surprised when I received a personal email from one of their product marking specialists. It wasn’t just some canned email going to a generic account, but a real live human being looking to understand their riders needs for future development. There was a set of questions that I gladly replied to which then turned into a decent email exchange with my sharing of some riding stores and photos of the bike in use.

Maybe I impress easy but to me that is great interaction with their customers. Never have I received a personal email from another company representative looking to understand their customer wants & needs better. If their great bikes didn’t already win me over as a customer their customer relations surely would have.